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Re. "Volunteer Induction - What An Enjoyable Way To Spend A Friday …" blog post

Did we miss an invitation to this?
  • Hi Alex Barrett‍ 

    The volunteer induction day is primarily aimed at 'new' volunteers to introduce them to the staff team at Michael Faraday House (MFH) and for them to gain an understanding of the breadth of activity goes on here. As you have already been a volunteer for many years now, you would not have received a 'personal' invitation to attend this specific event. 

    If you would like to visit or arrange a meeting to talk with specific members of staff at MFH please discuss with your Staff contact (i.e. your Community Manager) who can help in arranging this. 

  • Hi Alex Barrett‍ 

    The volunteer induction day is primarily aimed at 'new' volunteers to introduce them to the staff team at Michael Faraday House (MFH) and for them to gain an understanding of the breadth of activity goes on here. As you have already been a volunteer for many years now, you would not have received a 'personal' invitation to attend this specific event. 

    If you would like to visit or arrange a meeting to talk with specific members of staff at MFH please discuss with your Staff contact (i.e. your Community Manager) who can help in arranging this. 

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