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Railway station artwork - have you got any in your local station?

Amazing architecture and artwork is common in railway stations around the world, from the spectacular to the outright peculiar. Take a look below at a few of the most interesting examples from around the globe.

My local station underpass has recently been upgraded, so I will post up what is there.

Have you any works of art in your local station?   Why not post a photo up telling us which station and a bit about the art?

We could poll for the top 10.
  • Below is Kings' Lynn station, hand made repliac totem and benches made locally are deemed by some a work of art.

    In the new poster frames an original Britsh Railways welocme to Kings' Lynn poster with the station welcome and timetable done out in the original BR style.

    A work of art in my eye!
  • Below is Kings' Lynn station, hand made repliac totem and benches made locally are deemed by some a work of art.

    In the new poster frames an original Britsh Railways welocme to Kings' Lynn poster with the station welcome and timetable done out in the original BR style.

    A work of art in my eye!
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