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Working in Robotics and Mechatronics? Introduce yourself!

We'd love to hear more about you and why you've joined the community so here's the place to say hello and tell us a little bit more about yourself. 

Here are some questions to get you started:

  • What made you join the Robotics and Mechatronics network?

  • What are you hoping to get from the R&M community?

  • What aspect of robotics do you find the most exciting?
  • Hi Adrian,  I'm based in the UK but working for a Japanese company in industrial automation and robotics (shouldn't be that hard to guess which one!).  Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn - it is always useful to follow people who have similar interests.

    My role is researching, designing and developing software applications as a Lead Engineer, currently with a focus on robotics.  I'm mostly involved with industrial and collaborative robots, but we also have mobile robots in our portfolio.  3D simulation, virtual commissioning and digital twins are hot topics for us at the moment.

  • Hi Adrian,  I'm based in the UK but working for a Japanese company in industrial automation and robotics (shouldn't be that hard to guess which one!).  Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn - it is always useful to follow people who have similar interests.

    My role is researching, designing and developing software applications as a Lead Engineer, currently with a focus on robotics.  I'm mostly involved with industrial and collaborative robots, but we also have mobile robots in our portfolio.  3D simulation, virtual commissioning and digital twins are hot topics for us at the moment.

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