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Working in Robotics and Mechatronics? Introduce yourself!

We'd love to hear more about you and why you've joined the community so here's the place to say hello and tell us a little bit more about yourself. 

Here are some questions to get you started:

  • What made you join the Robotics and Mechatronics network?

  • What are you hoping to get from the R&M community?

  • What aspect of robotics do you find the most exciting?
  • Hi to all who are subscribed to this conversation.
    We have a number of relatively new TPN members. 
    It would be great to re-introduce ourselves add some pics of your latest work / college or personal project, if you can.


  • Hi to all who are subscribed to this conversation.
    We have a number of relatively new TPN members. 
    It would be great to re-introduce ourselves add some pics of your latest work / college or personal project, if you can.


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