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Guide to Implementing Industrial Robots

35ddb320653f7ec682bc66b834ff6a54-huge-robots-guide-cover-240.jpgIET Standards has released a free Guide to Implementing Industrial Robots. Essential reading for all those involved in automating manufatcuring processes!

The Guide sheds light on some of the key issues to consider when evaluating whether or not a business should automate and the processes involved when the decision to automate has been taken. These issues include:

a) the range of benefits associated with having an automated manufacturing system;

b) the challenges that an automated system presents in terms of its setting up and running; and

c) the process involved in evaluating a business’ need for automation, the cost associated with the automation process, the potential risks and opportunities of implementing an automation system and how to effectively manage an automated system.

Visit the product page to find out more and to grab a copy.