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How can the IET or the engineering profession be more sustainable?

2021 was a landmark year for climate action with the United Nation’s COP26 climate conference being held in Glasgow. Since then, the world has picked up its pace in the race to tackle climate change and finding sustainable solutions, presents some of the most difficult and important engineering challenges of our time.

We all need to play our part and even at the IET, we are still learning about how we can become more sustainable and finding innovative ways to provide solutions.

We'd love to hear your thoughts on how we, the IET or the engineering profession at large can become more sustainable. Please share them in this thread. 

  • Dear all.

    My backgrounds in electrical engineering research, novel writing, and song writing, were all thrown together during COP26.

    This was triggered when the return of the space station crew coincided with the end of COP26.

    The point I found distressing was the contrast between the magnificent photos of our planet taken from space, and the struggles under way down here on the surface, to preserve it.

    This led me to compose a song I called COP60 - 2055.

    My aim was to help boost awareness amongst the engineers and scientists of tomorrow, as to the challenges which await them.

    If the truth be told, I have little faith in the capacity of the present generation to significantly alter the fate towards which we are headed.

    On the other hand, the upcoming generation may be able to devise unexpected and innovative ways of mending the damage done.

    So, my song, COP60, is dedicated to these engineers and scientists of tomorrow.

    I wonder if there are any good singers out there in the IET, who would like to contribute their voices to make this song more attractive to aspiring engineers.

    If so, I will happily build a collaborative IET version of the song.

    This will be my tiny contribution to the environnement.

    COP60, can be found on YouTube here : COP60 on Youtube

    And also, on my website here: English Songs (

    Or here below..



    Best wishes to all.

    Dr. Stephen William ROWE PhD CEng FIET FSEE

  • Dear all.

    My backgrounds in electrical engineering research, novel writing, and song writing, were all thrown together during COP26.

    This was triggered when the return of the space station crew coincided with the end of COP26.

    The point I found distressing was the contrast between the magnificent photos of our planet taken from space, and the struggles under way down here on the surface, to preserve it.

    This led me to compose a song I called COP60 - 2055.

    My aim was to help boost awareness amongst the engineers and scientists of tomorrow, as to the challenges which await them.

    If the truth be told, I have little faith in the capacity of the present generation to significantly alter the fate towards which we are headed.

    On the other hand, the upcoming generation may be able to devise unexpected and innovative ways of mending the damage done.

    So, my song, COP60, is dedicated to these engineers and scientists of tomorrow.

    I wonder if there are any good singers out there in the IET, who would like to contribute their voices to make this song more attractive to aspiring engineers.

    If so, I will happily build a collaborative IET version of the song.

    This will be my tiny contribution to the environnement.

    COP60, can be found on YouTube here : COP60 on Youtube

    And also, on my website here: English Songs (

    Or here below..



    Best wishes to all.

    Dr. Stephen William ROWE PhD CEng FIET FSEE

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