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Capacitor replacement advice


I am trying to source a replacement capacitor but am a little unsure what will be correct as a replacement. Usually with capacitors I would always swap like for like to remove any possible issues. Unfortunately I can't seem to source the faulty one which is a facon 21uf 330v  -0%+20%. I've tried several suppliers but seems they don't want to say what would work as a replacement, you'd think if they're supplying them they'd be able to advise the best option when swapping.

Ive read online that the voltage is not an issue so long as you go higher than the one you are swapping i.e 450v instead of 330v. Obviously the uf rating has to be the same, or as close being slightly over I believe?

My main issue is with regards the tolerances and whether they need to be withing a certain parameter when swapping. I've seen one from a supplier which is 21-25uf 330v but doesn't say what tolerance is. Would this be a good swap or would I be better going for a universal one 22uf 450v +-5%?

Size is not an issue as it is from a refrigeration unit so plenty of space to fit it in and it is running the compressor along with another 25uf capacitor.

I've attached an image of the one I'm looking to change which is faulty.

Ay advice would be greatly appreciated and also if anyone knows anywhere that has some good information on this kind of thing for future, that would also be great.


  • Really both start and run caps should run for many years ( I suggest a decade plus) and anything less is  under-designed and/or over-stressed in some way.

    As above, you can always use a cap of a higher voltage rating, or a continuously rated run cap in place of a short duration rated start one to make a more reliable system. (worth realising that the voltage on the cap can be more than the incoming supply at some times while the motor is spinning up as phase angles change)

    Equally a non-rotating fan is a very bad thing and on its own may have been enough over-stress to tip the balance from running cool to cooking, Let us know how it goes, and I hope that the discussion has cleared some of the fog in terms of seeing what is going on ..


  • I will probably have to order and fit the PSU2130 as the other one is out off stock and  showing a 30 week lead time. 

    I will update once I have had chance to fit and test, I really appreciate your help and advice Mike. It has helped me understand better for any future issues I may come across. Like I said before usually I would just swap like for like and normally is never an issue but every now and again you come across something you can't easily source. But this has helped loads and feel more confident in selecting the correct parts going forward.

    Thanks again for your help and time to advise.

  • Apologies Mike. The automatic moderation system had a bit of a tizz and had flagged everyone's replies on this thread! As you can see though, I approved all the threads and all seems to be back to normal now. Relieved 

  • Thanks Lisa - it has all come back - it just makes  it look like I repeat myself, but as both answers are slightly different, I'll leave both.

  • Hi Mike, just updating you with regards the capacitor swap. Swapped for the slightly smaller one in size and seemed to work fine, not a huge difference in size anyway but I think the one you pointed out would've been closer to the size of the original. Had to go with the smaller one anyway as the other was out of stock and a long lead time.

    Thanks again for all of your help.


  • Good, glad to hear that. Well here is hoping it was just an unlucky  duff part and it now carries on working well for a few years...