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Red alerts for much of UK.

Met office red alert for extreme heat has been issued for London and for parts of the Midlands. This is the first ever met office red warning for heat.

Government red warnings for heat health alert now cover all of England. I think that this may be the first such alert, it is undoubtedly the first ever to affect all of England.

Are significant consequences expected for electricity generation and distribution ?

  • Yes its been hot. 

    The hottest recorded from an airfield with plenty of tarmac.

    You have ask if these records are real

  • It depends on what you mean by "real".  We have had airfields with weather stations on them since at least WWII, and some before that.

  • The Urban Heat dome effect produces only best  guess temperatures. Its well known that poorly located temperature gauges are used.

  • I would suggest that you read the Met Office's specification for weather stations (and the reasoning for it).

    But it is patently true that microclimates might result in nearby locations having different temperatures. That doesn't mean the trend over many decades isn't relevant, nor that the variations are not well-understood by the clever people at the Met Office.

    These are, after all, the stations used as part of the weather model for forecasting the accuracy of which has fairly substantial economic and security implications; one would expect that by now if it really was "well known" that the sites were problematic they would have been moved!


    OK so 40km apart will give some spurious results so.e of which become headline news.

    So from the little ice age we're warming nicely. And may get as warm as the medieval warm period. The trend over the past 2 decades is no warming.

Reply Children
  • I’m sorry but the warming over the last decades is clear and caused by human burning of fossil fuels plus meat and dairy industry.  It is accepted as scientific consensus.

    the climate and ecological emergency needs dealing with.

    denial of the problem won’t make it go away

  • I think you'll find that the climate change denialists on this forum are impervious to the results of the scientific consensus regularly formed by the IPCC working groups. You'll also find a lack of coherent, sustained argument. You will read twitter tropes without end. And please don't imagine that you are necessarily engaging with human beings. There is a lot of bot-like behaviour (those twitter tropes, for example).

  • No need to apologise for your opinion which I happen to disagree with.

    Being skeptical is a healthy position.

    Denying that position is wholly wrong.