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Entering the nuclear industry: Catch 22


After getting through to the interview stage with EDF for a engineering job (obsolescence planning / outage etc.), I received an email saying I was strong technically, but...........

I am lacking in nuclear experience...........

How am I supposed to gain nuclear experience if I'm not currently in that sector?

I'm 49 and have always looked to working in the sector, especially after gaining my degree.

I have asked EDF about this in the past and all I get back is "keep looking at our careers portal"; not really advice.

With Sizewell B and shortly C on my doorstep, I'd like to get involved. But all I see is student routes to working there (all well and good, but we're not all 16-18).

Can anyone recommend courses or another approach to gaining nuclear experience?

  • I have had this before many times trying to move to a different sector.  I once applied for a power station went all through the process to be told we only set people on from other power stations???? total of 3 days holiday down the pot.

    I would go on a HV Switching Course 11KV, then from their maybe do some High Voltage Protection courses with safety awareness. 

    But on the other hand obsolescence planning etc its across lots of engineering sectors??

  • I have had this before many times trying to move to a different sector.  I once applied for a power station went all through the process to be told we only set people on from other power stations???? total of 3 days holiday down the pot.

    I would go on a HV Switching Course 11KV, then from their maybe do some High Voltage Protection courses with safety awareness. 

    But on the other hand obsolescence planning etc its across lots of engineering sectors??

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