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Power Cuts. Is it the end of the world?

Dad is it the end of the world coming? It is like a story by Sir Arthur Conan Boil,

Europe energy crisis: Spain tells workers not to wear ties to cool off | Daily Mail Online


  • Shutting down nuclear is ridicules we need all the energy we can lay our hands on. The alternative is to burn whatever hydrocarbons we can lay our hands on at an economic price and even coal is not out of the question.

  • I agree - but they've failed to invest in our nuclear programme for so long now...

    Apparently fusion (tokamak design) is showing some hope now. Watch out for the ITER project in Spain (international effort). They expect to hit Q=10 (500MW out for 50MW in heating the plasma). Got that from York Uni's Open Day where there was a very interesting lecture by plasma physicist Professor Howard Wilson

    After that, there's potential to get major investment to move towards production.