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I'd noticed recently on that gas-fired generation had been surprisingly flat - normally it seems to be the first choice for responding to changes in demand after the renewables have done what they can - usually increasing in a morning as demand increases, then dipping as solar generates more during the middle of the day and then increasing again for the late afternoon/evening peak. Recently though it seems to almost flat-lining at around 15GW all day every day (other than early Sunday morning).

My guess was that we were running gas flat out and exporting the extra to the continent to make up for their shortfall due lack of generation from Russian gas ... but it sounds like they're having a lot more problems than I anticipated: (not just drought as the story title implies, but serious corrosion problems with many Nuclear plants too).

   - Andy.

  • Funny you say that - a recent BBC podcast highlights that our import from France is becoming export on more days than not, due to a lot of their nuclear plants being offline at once,  and Norway's hydro-power we like to import when the wind does not blow is a bit short on reservoir levels.

    'tight' is putting it nicely.


  • 'tight' is putting it nicely.

    Now's the time to buy your thick winter clothing before panic buying leads to empty shelves.

  • 'tight' is putting it nicely.

    Now's the time to buy your thick winter clothing before panic buying leads to empty shelves.

  • Actually seen people on Twitter saying they were buying up "preppers" supply packs of food (choose between camping chow and some dubious looking boxes cleared out of some army quartermaster stores somewhere marked "WW II Special reserves" :)
    Seems a bit excessive, but keeping the kitchen well stocked with tinned and dried foods and flour to cover a week or two might be perfectly prudent. I do that generally and it did come in handy when 2020 lockdown started and there was panic buying.