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If the Cap fits - the figures in kWh for easier digestion.

Ofgem have published their 'price cap' today here 

Basically depending a bit on region the max that suppliers can charge for leccy is about 53 p unit in the midlands and more like 57p in Mersyside, and the south east.

Gas will be 15.5-16p per kwhr again varying a bit by region.

I think things like solar Panel setups that last year would have needed a decade to pay for itself will now be looking a lot more attractive.


  • At these prices, local diesel generation may be competitive with electricity purchased from the grid.

    Red diesel, which is still allowed domestically is about 100 pence a litre. A large diesel generator under good conditions will produce about 4 kwh per litre of fuel used. 3 kwh per litre may be more realistic for a smaller generator. 33 pence a unit for fuel.

    If some of the waste heat can displace gas for space or water heating, then diesel generation will be substantially cheaper than mains power.

    Change back to mains at times of low load to avoid the low efficiency of low load operation.

    For industry the more costly white diesel is needed, but economies of scale and higher electricity prices could still make it worthwhile. For hotels and hospitals with large hot water demand, then local generation should be most worthwhile.

  • So at hospitals, instead of hearing the delightful cries of new born babies and the patter of little feet we may hear and feel the thump, thump, thump of a diesel generator with its fumes.


  • 5 Years Living Off Grid Building A Sustainable Smallholding - Bing video


  • Probably yes, and hospitals can use red diesel.

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