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If the Cap fits - the figures in kWh for easier digestion.

Ofgem have published their 'price cap' today here 

Basically depending a bit on region the max that suppliers can charge for leccy is about 53 p unit in the midlands and more like 57p in Mersyside, and the south east.

Gas will be 15.5-16p per kwhr again varying a bit by region.

I think things like solar Panel setups that last year would have needed a decade to pay for itself will now be looking a lot more attractive.


  • Nice one Mike! I've been looking for pence per unit prices, where did you find them? These headline grabbing £X,000 per annum figures are useless except for scaring people to death.

  • Well the Ofgem doc I linked to is quoting the upper permitted standing charge and the unit cost as if you buy either 3100 units, (dual fuel gas + electric) or 4200 units per year (all-electric) plus if applicable 12000 units of gas. The rest is division - now the BBC et al may prefer ' the bill of a standard house' but I do not know anyone who lives in one of those so some division  to price per unit and then re-mutliply by your own consumption figures.

    Note 3100 kwHr per year is only a couple of amps average through that 100A fuse, so leaving seemingly 'innocent' low current things on all the time like fish tank heaters and extra fridges can have a noticeable effect.


  • Well the Ofgem doc I linked to is quoting the upper permitted standing charge and the unit cost as if you buy either 3100 units, (dual fuel gas + electric) or 4200 units per year (all-electric) plus if applicable 12000 units of gas. The rest is division - now the BBC et al may prefer ' the bill of a standard house' but I do not know anyone who lives in one of those so some division  to price per unit and then re-mutliply by your own consumption figures.

    Note 3100 kwHr per year is only a couple of amps average through that 100A fuse, so leaving seemingly 'innocent' low current things on all the time like fish tank heaters and extra fridges can have a noticeable effect.

