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If the Cap fits - the figures in kWh for easier digestion.

Ofgem have published their 'price cap' today here 

Basically depending a bit on region the max that suppliers can charge for leccy is about 53 p unit in the midlands and more like 57p in Mersyside, and the south east.

Gas will be 15.5-16p per kwhr again varying a bit by region.

I think things like solar Panel setups that last year would have needed a decade to pay for itself will now be looking a lot more attractive.


  • Hello 24Hour  my local CEF, the company that own CEF also own a solar supplier.

  • Well there is nothing like politics to mess things up

    So Mrs Truss' scheme has the following, to be confirmed but what was going to be a 54p a unit top rate becomes more like 34p. per kWhr.
    I wonder how long the govt can afford to keep that up.

      New energy price guarantee rates from
    1 October 2022
    Current price cap
    (until 30 September 2022)

    Unit rate: 10.30p per kWh


    Standing charge: 28.49p per day

    Unit rate: 7.37p per kWh


    Standing charge: 27.22p per day


    Unit rate: 34.00p per kWh


    Standing charge: 46.36p per day

    Unit rate: 28.34p per kWh

    Standing charge: 45.34p per day
    Rates and standing charges are averages, which vary slightly  by region. Assumes payment via direct debit and includes VAT (at 5%).


  • So Mrs Truss' scheme has the following, to be confirmed but what was going to be a 54p a unit top rate becomes more like 34p. per kWhr.
    I wonder how long the govt can afford to keep that up.

    That's good - only 50% instead of 100% more for gas.

    If she puts up taxes, what's the problem? ;-)

  • Is anyone able to add to add to this thread, firstly the capped day and night rates for economy 7, and secondly the uncapped "going rate" for non domestic users.

  • Price capping is surely unfundable and can only lead to rampant inflation.

    Most Tories will vote the idea out; so hopefully it will never happen.

    The price of petrol is gradually dropping and now only 60% higher than last year so international prices are stabilizing at last.

    My advice is "Do not panic just let the market sort it out!!"

  • Not since last week they aren't - the OPEC oil cartel in conjunction with Russia have seen to that. They have agreed to cut oil production by some 2 million barrels. Couple this with that fact that oil is priced in a rising currency and you can expect prices at the pumps to rise during the next couple of weeks.

  • My advice is "Do not panic just let the market sort it out!!"

    As in - if enough pensioners die of hypothermia, then demand will do down to meet the available supply.