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Climate Emergency Declaration

Are we, as the IET, declaring a climate emergency? 

It's really that simple a topic, should we be adding our professional voice to the growing number of countries and organisations declaring such an event, to bring better awareness of the threat of the climate crisis and to encourage more discussion in addressing it! 

  • You need to consider too Arron what really constitutes an Emergency? We have been told, for at least the last 40 years, that the world will end and we have 10 years to fix it. These have all been lies (I cannot be more gentle than that, because nothing serious has happened, and in fact many things like crop yields have got better). Trying to turn fake predictions, where the predictors were obviously totally mistaken, into an EMERGENCY is simply PR pressure. The fact that we have been totally misled for 40 years is ignored, and the underlying modelling problems have not been corrected! In the meantime the lies have continued, and those making money from the obvious scam have been called National Heros, typically Al Gore etc. His film (which supposedly made him a $1 Billion) has been totally discredited because the content is fake or deliberately untrue. Polar Bears are probably the most obvious example, 5,000 have become 26,000 in the past 10 years, and the population is close to being limited by the food (Seal) population .A Polar Bear eats at least 50 a year. We were supposed to be Arctic ice free in the Summer, try telling that to the fancy Cruise Companies, they do very well sailing around all the Ice and letting people stand on it.

    The real question is therefore "What has changed to make the Public believe the PR now"? The answer is nothing at all.

  • Ice wise, you mean something like this right? 

    NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses | NASA

    I do think we need to debate this though regardless of our views on things, and come together as a collective to sort the mess we're in. 

    I don't disagree with you that everyone has been lied to in one form or another, and continue to be lied to. 

    Look at the recent interviews with the UK Gov, this morning on the BBC they're telling people the North Sea Oil & Gas licences are good for the environment...

  • Ice wise, you mean something like this right? 

    NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses | NASA

    I do think we need to debate this though regardless of our views on things, and come together as a collective to sort the mess we're in. 

    I don't disagree with you that everyone has been lied to in one form or another, and continue to be lied to. 

    Look at the recent interviews with the UK Gov, this morning on the BBC they're telling people the North Sea Oil & Gas licences are good for the environment...

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