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Interesting New Nuclear Reactor Design

An interesting new reactor design concept from Moltex incorperating thermal storage and load following to complement renewable energy sources.

"Moltex Energy Limited subsidiary MoltexFLEX has launched its FLEX molten salt reactor that, through flexible operation and the use of thermal storage technology, can support intermittent renewable energy through its rapid responsiveness to changes in demand".

MoltexFLEX launches flexibly-operated molten salt reactor : New Nuclear - World Nuclear News (

  • Moltex don't appear to be looking at breeding which makes things somewhat simpler. I think most of the previous molten salt experiments had materials compatability problems. Maybe these can be solved with modern alloys.

  • Moltex don't appear to be looking at breeding which makes things somewhat simpler. I think most of the previous molten salt experiments had materials compatability problems. Maybe these can be solved with modern alloys.

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