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Evening all,

First post here but long time browser.

I’ve got a site that has some Exd door contact switches which are pre-wired with the wiring encapsulated within the switch. These switches are mounted within a small Exd enclosure for mechanical protection. The gland on the 3 core flex/Exd enclosure is a bog standard plastic compression gland which I want changing to Exd compression glands.

This is the switch in question Switch. If it was simple apparatus within a plastic box I’d maybe agree but it is an Exd switch 250V AC 5A

The pressure is on to leave these compression glands as they are but I strongly disagree. At this time of night I haven’t got my books with me and can’t get on the BS site at the minute for some reason to quote the required reg/section etc.

Can anyone post a link or quote for me please or even put me right if I’m wrong.


  • Thanks for the replies. The manufacturer was consulted along with the certifying body who both confirmed the plastic gland is suitable and that an update to the certificate is being carried out to make this clear.

  • Thanks for the replies. The manufacturer was consulted along with the certifying body who both confirmed the plastic gland is suitable and that an update to the certificate is being carried out to make this clear.

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