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This has recently been released on the UK government website.

"The aim of the call for evidence is to provide an open channel to the general public to give their views on the transition, in particular giving a voice to the public and small and medium enterprises (SMEs)."

If you want to be heard, this is your chance. 

I'm drafting my response currently. 

Opened 29th Sep 

Closes 27th Oct

  • What a load of nonsense from the green alarmist.

    The questions are ridiculous.

    I gave up by page 4

    Had they asked if net zero is worthwhile and gave the slightest understanding of the true reasoning and costs then I would be more engaged. But alas the government show their blinkered narrow minded understanding.

  • How are they ever going to learn if everyone's views aren't put forward? 

    It's like not voting in an election then complaining the person you wanted, didn't get in. 

  • I can tell by the questions that it's a nonsense agenda driven piece. Net zero is unachievable and thats obvious to me. 

    There's plenty of evidence available to confirm this but the questionnaire assumes the science is settled.

    Had they asked a different set of questions like for example, CO2 has been increasing slowly but the global temperature has not increased for the past 8 years do you think we have to worry ourselves enough to commit economic suicide?

  • I can tell by the questions that it's a nonsense agenda driven piece. Net zero is unachievable and thats obvious to me. 

    There's plenty of evidence available to confirm this but the questionnaire assumes the science is settled.

    Had they asked a different set of questions like for example, CO2 has been increasing slowly but the global temperature has not increased for the past 8 years do you think we have to worry ourselves enough to commit economic suicide?

  • Is there nothing towards the end of the survey (not done mine yet) to give views on that. 

    You have a valid viewpoint and I personally think it should be captured and put forward, else it assumes we're either all on board or not on board and there's no room for a diverse range of opinion and debate on these matters.