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This has recently been released on the UK government website.

"The aim of the call for evidence is to provide an open channel to the general public to give their views on the transition, in particular giving a voice to the public and small and medium enterprises (SMEs)."

If you want to be heard, this is your chance. 

I'm drafting my response currently. 

Opened 29th Sep 

Closes 27th Oct

  • A better approach by a democratic government is a referendum for the entire population to vote on.

    For starters question 1

    Do you think that CO2 is the control knob for the very slight warming of 1 degree since the little ice age.

  • Might be worth feeding that back into the IET public consultation bit as  mentioned?

  • We are decades behind stopping global warming and must now live with it.  No good looking for political scape goats or green agendas;  just prepare a national and global survey to deal with the results of the minimum expected climate changes that we now face 

    The separate problem of what energy resources can we develop economically as hydro-carbon fuels dwindle must also be investigated without delay.  Solar, wind, nuclear, tidal and any other practical source of energy should be developed and proved experimentally to be cost effective before adoption.  

  • Solar and Wind have been developed and proved to be cost effective already.  They just need implementing at scale and avoiding the nimby response that they shouldn't be installed near me.

  • Wind and solar intermittent power sources require 100% backup for when the wind and sun are not available. So you might as well just commit 100% to small modular nuclear reactors and end the subsidy farming that has encouraged the renewable sector.

    European panel manufacturers are now going out of business as energy prices sky rocket. Meanwhile China cracks on making panels with their coal fired energy systems and slave labour.

  • Another point about Wind and Solar to consider is that we currently pay about £2 billion  per year to switch off the power generated when the grid does not require the energy produced. The producers then are allowed to use the spare energy for off grid purposes like battery storage and flywheels then are allowed to sell the energy back to the grid. Effectively they get paid twice. Poor show when we are all facing massive energy bills.

  • Another point about Wind and Solar to consider is that we currently pay about £2 billion  per year to switch off the power generated when the grid does not require the energy produced. The producers then are allowed to use the spare energy for off grid purposes like battery storage and flywheels then are allowed to sell the energy back to the grid. Effectively they get paid twice. Poor show when we are all facing massive energy bills.

  • But that's a policy issue isn't it, nothing to do with wind and solar itself. 

    It's like how we seem to obtain gas from the north sea, sell it to europe to store and then buy it back at a price hike?