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IET CEng Career Manager application


Sorry if this has already been covered in previous posts, i have looked but couldn't find what i was looking for.

I'm in the process of applying for CEng through Career Manager and I'd like to understand where to put my work experience examples/evidence to me the competencies.  In Career Manager, do I place them in the 'employment history' or in 'Supporting Documents' as a manual upload or both?  I'd like to avoid duplication if possible.

I've several pages of Work Experience examples which i believe help me achieve the competencies for CEng, I've also referenced the specific competencies the example meets to help the application.  I just want to be sure i'm placing them in the correct location of Career Manager.


Johnathan Ford  

  • Have you spoken to a PRA or mentor of any kind? I found their advice to be very helpful in my IENG application as I changed jobs part way through and had to redo a lot.

  • Have you spoken to a PRA or mentor of any kind? I found their advice to be very helpful in my IENG application as I changed jobs part way through and had to redo a lot.

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