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Safety measure in Power Substation / Power Plant

1. What are the safety measure consider when carrying out a Power Substation / Power Plant Design.

2. What are the safety measure consider during construction of a Power Substation / Power Plant.

3. What are the safety measure consider during operation of a Power Substation / Power Plant.

  • This is a very open question, probably why there have been no replies. Can you narrow it down please by telling us

    1) what sort of power plant, nuclear, gas fired solar etc you are trying to design?

    2) the approximate power level ? - half a gigawatt is rather different to half a megawatt in terms of stored energy and risk.

    3) The electrical parameters  ? - number of feeders over which the power is to be divided, the export voltage(s), if there is a need for reactive power compensation etc.

    4)The design lifespan ?

    5) The legislative regime under which it is to be built ? that is whcih country's rules apply to the site.

    Once the question is better defined, then there is a better chance of an answer.


  • This is a very open question, probably why there have been no replies. Can you narrow it down please by telling us

    1) what sort of power plant, nuclear, gas fired solar etc you are trying to design?

    2) the approximate power level ? - half a gigawatt is rather different to half a megawatt in terms of stored energy and risk.

    3) The electrical parameters  ? - number of feeders over which the power is to be divided, the export voltage(s), if there is a need for reactive power compensation etc.

    4)The design lifespan ?

    5) The legislative regime under which it is to be built ? that is whcih country's rules apply to the site.

    Once the question is better defined, then there is a better chance of an answer.


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