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Short-circuit calculations

1. How to carry out short-circuit force calculation.

Calculation with a sample please.

2. How to carry out short-circuit current calculation.

Calculation with a sample please.

3. How to carry out cable rating calculation.

Calculation with a sample please.

4. How to determine cable size considering cable load, cable distance and voltage drop etc.

Calculation with a sample please.

5. How to carry out earthing calculation.

Calculation with a sample please.

6. How to carry out lightning protection calculation.

Calculation with a sample please.

  • Apologies in advance if I've got the wrong end of the stick, but this sounds more like a homework question than something for a discussion forum.

        - Andy.

  • Apologies in advance if I've got the wrong end of the stick, but this sounds more like a homework question than something for a discussion forum.

        - Andy.

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