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Power Potential - reactive power market to balance the grid with renewables?

Power Potential is a ground-breaking collaboration between National Grid ESO (NGESO), UK Power Networks and generators on the south coast distribution network.

Through the Power Potential project, we have demonstrated a world-first regional reactive power market in a live system trial.

We have also verified the principles of a transmission and a distribution system operator enabling Distributed Energy Resources (DER) on the distribution network to deliver dynamic voltage control for transmission constraints.

Crucially this has been integrated with operational systems, rather than merely being a proof-of-concept.  

The expansion of Power Potential as a dynamic service as trialled, could save energy consumers over £96m by 2050 when rolled out to 19 (out of 36) transmission voltage zones within Great Britain.

However, all transmission zones have some dynamic requirement. If the solution were being replicated to more regions, the total benefits could be even higher.

Power Potential | National Grid ESO