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Solar PV Maximum Active Export

I'm trying to learn the requirements for solar generation to G99 Engineering Recommendations.

Where does one find/calculate the maximum Active Power export / Import values in MW?

I have the below information for the generation.

The site energy consumption per month is around 2453 kWh per month.

If anyone can advise on which information to be used, or a place where I can find this information that would help me understand which values are required.

  • They're asking about power (i.e. instantaneous values) not energy (totals over time) - so you're looking for kW (or MW) values, not kWh or MWh.

    I think the maximum export will usually be the maximum AC power that can be generated on site - often just rating of the inverter - or less if your system take steps to limit the amount that can be exported. Usually the worst case is if self-consumption is NIL for some reason. So if you had a 20kW inverter and no other complexities, I'd say 0.02MW.

    Import will depend on your loads (probably after diversity).

    The form looks rather like 'big boys' stuff though - so there might be some subtleties that others could advise on,

       - Andy.

  • They're asking about power (i.e. instantaneous values) not energy (totals over time) - so you're looking for kW (or MW) values, not kWh or MWh.

    I think the maximum export will usually be the maximum AC power that can be generated on site - often just rating of the inverter - or less if your system take steps to limit the amount that can be exported. Usually the worst case is if self-consumption is NIL for some reason. So if you had a 20kW inverter and no other complexities, I'd say 0.02MW.

    Import will depend on your loads (probably after diversity).

    The form looks rather like 'big boys' stuff though - so there might be some subtleties that others could advise on,

       - Andy.

  • Thanks for your input.

    That does make sense, I wonder though if a power factor is used for the generation process as I assume there would be some loss there? I could be wrong. 

    As for the installation it's a fairly straight forward connection to the grid so i can't imagine there is anything that would influence the maximum value.