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Solar PV Maximum Active Export

I'm trying to learn the requirements for solar generation to G99 Engineering Recommendations.

Where does one find/calculate the maximum Active Power export / Import values in MW?

I have the below information for the generation.

The site energy consumption per month is around 2453 kWh per month.

If anyone can advise on which information to be used, or a place where I can find this information that would help me understand which values are required.

  • Also note that big inverters, and some small ones as well now can be programmed to create reactive power, for example by pushing more current out part way up the voltage waveform than at the top or the other way round. This can be used to correct the network power factor and undistort the grid waveforms.(energy may be not put into, and may even taken from the supply into the inverters DC reservoir capacitors at some parts of the cycle and then the saved or stored energy released at another part  of the cycle)

    To what extent any given installation does this will be determined by the inverter design and its internal control firmware.

    I suspect that all of the figures you need will come out of the back pages of the inverter installation and set-up handbook or a phone call to the inverter makers technical helpline.


  • Also note that big inverters, and some small ones as well now can be programmed to create reactive power, for example by pushing more current out part way up the voltage waveform than at the top or the other way round. This can be used to correct the network power factor and undistort the grid waveforms.(energy may be not put into, and may even taken from the supply into the inverters DC reservoir capacitors at some parts of the cycle and then the saved or stored energy released at another part  of the cycle)

    To what extent any given installation does this will be determined by the inverter design and its internal control firmware.

    I suspect that all of the figures you need will come out of the back pages of the inverter installation and set-up handbook or a phone call to the inverter makers technical helpline.


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