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Could you help a fellow professional grow as an engineer?

We're working on improvements to our online tools for professional registration and development. And we'd really appreciate your help.
If you can spare around an hour over the next couple of weeks for a one-on-one online research session, that would be extremely useful. The sessions are engaging, informative and enjoyable for everyone involved, and you could make a difference by helping us deliver better value to you and all our members, especially developing engineers at the earlier phases of their careers. 
For details and to register your interest, head to our participant registration form. Any questions, leave a comment below.
Thanks in advance for your time and we look forward to hearing from you.
  • Errr...I can't access that on my home PC as the form asks me to sign into my Microsoft account (I don't link my PC to a Microsoft account), and from my work PC I get the message "You don't have permission to view or respond to this form"...

    So that didn't work very well!

    Also I wasn't really clear who you're aiming this at (that's why I wanted to look at the form), are you looking to talk to  "engineers at the earlier phases of their careers", or later career engineers who can support them, or both?



  • Thanks for that Andy. It appears there was a restriction on the form that I wasn't aware of. Apologies. For what it's worth, it's 'both' in response to your question. If you're able to try again, I'd appreciate it. I'll be in the corner wiping copious amounts of egg off my face :-) 

    Thanks once again for your patience and hope to correspond soon. 



  • Hi Greame,

    Yes that works better now!



  • Thanks Andy

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