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Software support for legacy EV chargers.

The EVSE manufacturer Andersen have gone into administration, what software support is there for customers who have Andersen EV chargers?

How long will their chargers work for?

  • I suspect that there is silence as no-one really knows, it is not as if the software interfacing to EV chargers is standardized through any central service or even uses a commonly agreed  protocol - in some ways it makes the SMETS1 smart meters debacle look almost sensible. There is already  a lot of orphaned internet connected stuff out there, so far mostly small domestic things like TVs and doorbells,  but I see  the problem of things trying to call back to a none-existent server at the mother company will only increase with time.
    There seems to be an assumption that providing a service over the internet is almost free, but as many companies are finding out, it really isn't and at the same time users are slowly finding out that when it stops it is at least a pain and maybe a total  showstopper.

  • I suspect that there is silence as no-one really knows, it is not as if the software interfacing to EV chargers is standardized through any central service or even uses a commonly agreed  protocol - in some ways it makes the SMETS1 smart meters debacle look almost sensible. There is already  a lot of orphaned internet connected stuff out there, so far mostly small domestic things like TVs and doorbells,  but I see  the problem of things trying to call back to a none-existent server at the mother company will only increase with time.
    There seems to be an assumption that providing a service over the internet is almost free, but as many companies are finding out, it really isn't and at the same time users are slowly finding out that when it stops it is at least a pain and maybe a total  showstopper.

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