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Software support for legacy EV chargers.

The EVSE manufacturer Andersen have gone into administration, what software support is there for customers who have Andersen EV chargers?

How long will their chargers work for?

  • Hopefully the basic functionality (plug in and switch on) should continue even if all the remote systems disappear. The lack of firmware update if anything might aid reliability, as it's often changes that introduce new problems. I suspect legislation wise, as long as the unit had the required smart functionality at the point of installation, the boxes are ticked and everyone is in the clear. If things like scheduling charging times to suit variable tariffs are lost and can't be handled in some other way (e.g. by the vehicle itself) then some will feel the need for a replacement charge point. Hopefully we should see prices start to fall as development costs start to be spread over many more units - £500 for an RCBO, contactor, connector and less electronics than on a RaspberryPi in a plastic box doesn't feel entirely justifiable.

       - Andy.

  • Hopefully the basic functionality (plug in and switch on) should continue even if all the remote systems disappear. The lack of firmware update if anything might aid reliability, as it's often changes that introduce new problems. I suspect legislation wise, as long as the unit had the required smart functionality at the point of installation, the boxes are ticked and everyone is in the clear. If things like scheduling charging times to suit variable tariffs are lost and can't be handled in some other way (e.g. by the vehicle itself) then some will feel the need for a replacement charge point. Hopefully we should see prices start to fall as development costs start to be spread over many more units - £500 for an RCBO, contactor, connector and less electronics than on a RaspberryPi in a plastic box doesn't feel entirely justifiable.

       - Andy.

  • I changed the batteries in a domestic energy storage unit around six or seven years ago for the manufacturer, they sent me an engineers manual by email to flick through and it actually had a Radpberry Pi in it as the battery management unit.