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Software support for legacy EV chargers.

The EVSE manufacturer Andersen have gone into administration, what software support is there for customers who have Andersen EV chargers?

How long will their chargers work for?

  • Well, that post has hit the floor with a thud.

    The Government has passed legislation making Smart EV chargers compulsory, chargers that simply switch on and off are forbidden in new installations.

    So what happens to the Back Office and software updates if the manufacturer goes out of business?

  • I'd argue that for this to work, you'd need DIY support. 

    I do know of an arduino based EV charger, and let's be honest, there's not that much tech in them that makes this 'smart' 

    There's also an argument of why are they so expensive, if they can be made much cheaper.

  • I'd argue that for this to work, you'd need DIY support. 

    I do know of an arduino based EV charger, and let's be honest, there's not that much tech in them that makes this 'smart' 

    There's also an argument of why are they so expensive, if they can be made much cheaper.

  • If you are arguing for makers to publish a bit more about what is inside their kit, how it works and to agree interface specs then I would agree that from a benefit the planet, and the user, that would be wholeheartedly sensible. Unfortunately it goes strongly against the commercial grain which tends to favour closed source bespoke and even if it is simple inside, not making it easy  to get into. result of course is more scrap - and it is silly really as it works both ways - a maker is just as able to benefit from work done on a pre agreed standard and maybe even a pre- agreed platform, than they stand to lose from developing their own from scratch and keeping it secret.


  • Anderson were an up market outfit trying to appeal to a wealthy niche market. David the MD came from a HIFI background, hence the aesthetic bias. I struggled to get them to discuss the o pen fault part of there kit which they insisted was sorted. I gave up with EV after that plus the 6 month wait for the grant money and an application that took longer than the install. Was complete madness. And not the green kind. Lol.

    I've fitted a couple of these units and they won't work without the Konnect app functionality controlled via the company. Now the company is bust the functionality may dissappear making all the units unusable. And there's alot of them installed out there.

  • Looks like David Simpson has gone solo

    New company called Simpson and Partners.