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Software support for legacy EV chargers.

The EVSE manufacturer Andersen have gone into administration, what software support is there for customers who have Andersen EV chargers?

How long will their chargers work for?

  • With the AFDD how many parameters can be set, I assume they still have a bi-metallic strip in them and you cannot tell a B6 it is a C40?

  • With the AFDD how many parameters can be set, I assume they still have a bi-metallic strip in them and you cannot tell a B6 it is a C40?

  • reading their glossy case study, here it sounds as if they intend you to be able to tackle nuisance trips by uploading improved arc detection algorithms. Personally I'm not at all impressed that something like an EV charger working correctly tripped the original algorithm, and I'm surprised they are trumpeting having to fix it in the field as a success.

    I rather hope they do retain the electromechanical bits of a conventional breaker at least for now, but the precedent for not doing so is already set.

    Looking at modern  RCDs, most of these are now totally reliant on the electronics in the trip path, so a programmable RCD threshold, adjustable trip delay etc is no longer a mechanical design change.  I can see it coming that the  overload path, perhaps apart from some kind of  death or glory one shot fuse link, could well go the same way - if you were selling it, why would you not simplify your inventory in this way.

    Ideally though it then needs a standardized diagnostic/status interface, even if the advanced program options are manufacturer specific.
