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Software support for legacy EV chargers.

The EVSE manufacturer Andersen have gone into administration, what software support is there for customers who have Andersen EV chargers?

How long will their chargers work for?

  • It sounds like when you buy an EV, you need to make sure you get a "granny lead" to go with it.  That way you at least keep the option of charging it off a 13A socket if your smart charger fails.

    But I believe that the government is thinking of banning granny leads soon.  Not that it would stop people buying cheap ones off Aliexpress or similar.

  • A friend has a plug in hybrid. He used a granny lead and after a few weeks it stopped working, it had overheated the plug which had melted. He had a few choice words with the dealer and after weeks of chasing was told he needed to reduce the charge rate to 8A  by pressing a button on the charger a specified number of times. Looking on the web indicated a few other people had had the same problem.

  • A friend has a plug in hybrid. He used a granny lead and after a few weeks it stopped working, it had overheated the plug which had melted. He had a few choice words with the dealer and after weeks of chasing was told he needed to reduce the charge rate to 8A  by pressing a button on the charger a specified number of times. Looking on the web indicated a few other people had had the same problem.

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