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Planned Power Cuts – an interesting Government document.

There has been some talk about planned power cuts this winter.  From an article on Yahoo News I linked to this document that appears to define the various levels of rota cuts that might be imposed, and the blocks that the cuts apply to, designated by letters A, B, C, D, E, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T or U.  It is said that a letter on your electricity bill indicates which block you are in, although I cannot find it on my bills.


  • That is true Mike unless they start fiddling with "smart meters". The area letters probably correspond with grid to HV substation areas, which as you say are pretty big.

  • I remember the rota power cuts in the 1970s.  In urban areas the affected areas were fairly small, it was generally possible to walk to an area still on. In rural districts a much larger geographical area was off at one time.

    I had a 72 volt battery back up for lighting, I selected this voltage as being about the highest non dangerous voltage and about the lowest voltage to work a fluorescent lamp.

    Returning to the present, the next few days are expected to be cold and still.