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Planned Power Cuts – an interesting Government document.

There has been some talk about planned power cuts this winter.  From an article on Yahoo News I linked to this document that appears to define the various levels of rota cuts that might be imposed, and the blocks that the cuts apply to, designated by letters A, B, C, D, E, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T or U.  It is said that a letter on your electricity bill indicates which block you are in, although I cannot find it on my bills.


  • The load group letter is almost always found on your electricity bill.

    It is a single capital letter printed below the address. Some way below the address in order that it can not be seen through the window in the envelope. Your load group will allmost always be the same as that of your neighbours.

  • I can't see an obvious single letter on my bills either.

    I wonder if it is encoded in the S (supply) number? ? The grid supply point (GSP) looks a bit similar but I'm not sure if they're finer than that?

       - Andy.

  • Well it will be a shock to the pay as you go rental users who get handed the near empty rechargeable token by the previous tenant and have not even got any bills to look at.

    I guess there is a good chance that by the end of January some of us will know.


  • I went to  entered my post code to get my supplier and code letter  which for me is E. I could not find the code letter anywhere on my electricity bill.


    Thanks for that - apparently mine is "D" - which doesn't match my GSP (M) - so that's my theory out!

       - Andy.

  • This news report is interesting.

    Unduly alarmist in my view, but we will soon find out !

    I see a significant risk of power cuts, but only for 3 hours at a time on a rota basis. 

  • Thanks for that - I'm S here in Banbury

  • The process would be useful though to make people more aware of their energy usage and they might appreciate it more when it's ON

  • Surely the concept that the Government would even contemplate power cuts because of lack of supply is monstrous? They and those before them have made policies with potentially enormous impact in many ways on society, and huge cost implications, and now they realise (or not) that electricity may fail? Shortsighted is not the word, particular as quite a lot of us have been telling them for years that we are close to the brink of disaster. I imagine that when it comes the media will immediately blame the Engineers for not doing enough, not inventing some magic new source of power, or building enough windmills! Perhaps "brainless twits" best describes those actually responsible!

  • Oddly this ties in rather well with my comment in the other thread about the neurotypicals being the problem. Those of us 'wired' to spot and solve problems have seen this coming. Those who cannot, are about to get it spelt out to them in very large letters indeed, and still some will look surprised.
    Meanwhile the very bored can get an idea for the size of the area in any one rota cut zone by entering adjacent postcodes into that website linked above until the letter group changes. Round here at least the area is pretty big.