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What's your experience of being, or supporting, a neurodiverse engineer?

With the launch of Foothold's new Engineering Neurodiverse Futures programme, we want to build a world where every aspiring and established engineer has the opportunity to make the most of their unique capabilities, and reach their full potential.

We know that there are a significant number of people in our community who are or believe they may be neurodivergent - living with a condition such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia and dyspraxia. In fact, it's estimated that there are around 820,000 neurodiverse engineers working in the industry in the UK alone. Perhaps you're one of them, or you know someone who is?

But sadly, there are many barriers that neurodiverse engineers encounter every day, which may prevent them from taking opportunities that neurotypical people take for granted. 

There can be challenges for neurotypical people too, in knowing how best to support, work and communicate with neurodivergent peers - so that everyone can thrive in their own way.

We've developed our brand-new Differently Wired Hub for the engineering community to help address some of these challenges. But we want to know: what's your experience of being, or supporting, a neurodiverse engineer?

Let's start the neurodiversity in engineering conversation so we can raise awareness of the challenges faced by our community - and recognise, appreciate and celebrate the contributions that every one of our community members makes to the industry, whether neurodivergent or neurotypical!

Share your experiences and stories with us below Point down

You can find out more and join our Differently Wired Hub here.

  • Why do we need yet another hub - simply create a group on EngX?
    I wastes resources duplicating systems which then need maintaining and people need to remember yet more passwords.

  • Having looked at it, a) because it's part of Foothold not the IET, and b) although it's simplistic at the moment it is actually navigable and usable unlike EngX!!

    (Yes I know Foothold is sort of part of the IET, but hopefully you know what I mean...)

  • Hi Jim,

    Thanks for your comment - as Andy has said, as Foothold are a separate organisation to the IET we offer our own forms of support for the engineering community, including our new Engineering Futures Programme and Differently Wired Hub. When you sign up to the hub you don't need a password to access it in future - you only need an access link. I'd recommend checking it out if you're interested in neurodiversity in engineering as you might find something you won't have seen via IET resources Slight smile

  • Hi Jim,

    Thanks for your comment - as Andy has said, as Foothold are a separate organisation to the IET we offer our own forms of support for the engineering community, including our new Engineering Futures Programme and Differently Wired Hub. When you sign up to the hub you don't need a password to access it in future - you only need an access link. I'd recommend checking it out if you're interested in neurodiversity in engineering as you might find something you won't have seen via IET resources Slight smile

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