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Net Positive Suction Head Pump Calculations

Hi all,

I need to carry out some NPSHa calculations for an existing system and have a couple of help requests;

  1. Does anyone have a NPSH spreadsheet/calculator that they would be willing to share? I had an Excel one where you could put in pipe diameter, pipe length, # of bends etc that made it so easy but unfortunately I have lost it.
  2. The product being pumped is honey. How would I go about finding/calculating the vapour pressure of honey so that I can do the calculations? Most of what I have pumped previously has been close enough to water so I could use those figures but honey is completely different.

Any help would be much appreciated.



  • This is not my speciality. but a few general observations.

    The viscosity of honey depends very much on temperature as well as its general state of moisture concentration and so forth,  and it will not pump at all well when cold.

    commercially vacuum is used to remove moisture from honey, without the vacuum lines clogging with honey condensate, so you can assume the honey related vapour pressure is quite a bit lower than the water equivalent at any given temp.. You will also need to look carefully at pump types - screw threads for cold and perhaps peristaltic for warm would be my starting point, but as above it is not my specialty.  Pump priming might get sticky.

    You could do worse than look at commercial products for inspiration.
