Relay logic simulation

Hi all,

We've been asked to design a number of control / protection schemes lately which are increasing in complexity. Can anyone point us towards a simple software tool to model the relay logic we can use to sense-check the design (after a manual check of course) and highlight any faux pas before things get built? Really just to look at checking relays in series/parallel etc are doing the right thing, not a full-on circuit emulation, i.e., with these inputs changing to this state, we get these outputs live with that happening after the programmed delay and so on.

In an ideal world it would be able to read a design straight out of our CAD (ACE), but I suspect that's too much to ask!



  • Shame no-one's answered this, it would be a nice thing to have. Probably a bit too niche though. I occasionally find myself having to get my head around ancient (and not so ancient) relay logic designs for railway signalling systems, and although it isn't rocket science it can really fry the brain...and use every pen colour available to try to capture all the combinations!

  • Shame no-one's answered this, it would be a nice thing to have. Probably a bit too niche though. I occasionally find myself having to get my head around ancient (and not so ancient) relay logic designs for railway signalling systems, and although it isn't rocket science it can really fry the brain...and use every pen colour available to try to capture all the combinations!

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