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Some common sense at last!

Green light given to Whitehaven coal mine.

The green fanatics will be out of their tiny minds.

  • Well as we need coking coal to make steel here, it is better than bringing the same volume halfway round the planet.

    I must say I am surprised at the small no of jobs involved according to the blurb- talk of 500 jobs, that is only a wages bill of order 1-2 hundred million per year only it is not really that big an economic stimulus, and yet the way it is talked up anyone would think that gold was falling from the skies.


  • Well as we need coking coal to make steel here, it is better than bringing the same volume halfway round the planet.

    I must say I am surprised at the small no of jobs involved according to the blurb- talk of 500 jobs, that is only a wages bill of order 1-2 hundred million per year only it is not really that big an economic stimulus, and yet the way it is talked up anyone would think that gold was falling from the skies.


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