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Some common sense at last!

Green light given to Whitehaven coal mine.

The green fanatics will be out of their tiny minds.

  • The green fanatics will need all the coking coal they can get to build their wind turbines. According to the Siemens Energy CEO wind needs around 10 times the material used for conventional generation.

    “Never forget, renewables like wind roughly, roughly, need 10 times the material [compared to] what conventional technologies need,” Siemens Energy CEO tells CNBC.

    The low energy density of renewables is a significant problem affecting both the energy and financial payback periods. As I said in the True Cost of Wind Power thread the £40 per MWh figure quoted appears to be merely a political ploy.

    Just Stop Oil has a similar problem. Around 12% of oil is used as petrochemical feedstock which supplies lubrication oils, paints, plastic insulation, rubber seals, carbon fibre etc.

    “Petrochemical feedstock accounts for 12% of global oil demand, a share that is expected to increase driven by increasing demand for plastics, fertilisers and other products.”

    How do they intend to replace these products? My limited understanding of oil reefing suggests that you can’t just reduce the amount of oil produced to 12% as not all parts of crude oil are usable in the same way. Petrol was originally considered a waste product.

    At least Insulate Britain had the right basic idea but absolutely no clue about how to implement it for the UKs housing stock without creating much bigger problems due to lack of ventilation.

    When do we get some joined up thinking from the Green Movement?

  • How do they intend to replace these products?

    Surely the just stop oil folks will want to go fully renewable in a more realistic timeframe rather than wait for trees to rot down into more oil. How about we harvest seals and whales again? Can get a lot of things from them.....

    (That I would protest against)

  • You're assuming that there is a single "Green Movement" with one set of ideals and one set of goals.  For example, there are many people that consider oil to be a valuable raw material for making things, so it makes no sense to burn the stuff.

  • You're assuming that there is a single "Green Movement" with one set of ideals and one set of goals.  For example, there are many people that consider oil to be a valuable raw material for making things, so it makes no sense to burn the stuff.

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