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Some common sense at last!

Green light given to Whitehaven coal mine.

The green fanatics will be out of their tiny minds.

  • Roger,

    “Surely the just stop oil folks will want to go fully renewable in a more realistic timeframe rather than wait for trees to rot down into more oil.”

    What is fully renewable? The current offerings, wind turbines, solar PV and battery electric vehicles also use a large amount of finite resources. In theory you can build up hydrocarbon fuels from C02 and water but this is highly energy intensive and would only be feasible using nuclear power.



    “For example, there are many people that consider oil to be a valuable raw material for making things, so it makes no sense to burn the stuff.”

    I am one of them. I am concerned about the consumption of all our finite resources and see the current renewables route as incredibly wasteful of many finite raw materials. If you follow the comment from Siemens we will have to use 10 times our historical consumption of steel, concrete, copper, oil based products and rare earths just to stand still on energy generation. Now apply that concept to supplying renewable energy to the developing nations, disaster.

    The only reasonable energy source long term is nuclear, initially fission and maybe in 30 years time fusion.

    To me the Green Movement is the group of people who behave like spoilt teenagers demanding everything now with no wish to understand the cost in money and resources. They seem to think that government funding is inexhaustible.

  • Roger,

    “Surely the just stop oil folks will want to go fully renewable in a more realistic timeframe rather than wait for trees to rot down into more oil.”

    What is fully renewable? The current offerings, wind turbines, solar PV and battery electric vehicles also use a large amount of finite resources. In theory you can build up hydrocarbon fuels from C02 and water but this is highly energy intensive and would only be feasible using nuclear power.



    “For example, there are many people that consider oil to be a valuable raw material for making things, so it makes no sense to burn the stuff.”

    I am one of them. I am concerned about the consumption of all our finite resources and see the current renewables route as incredibly wasteful of many finite raw materials. If you follow the comment from Siemens we will have to use 10 times our historical consumption of steel, concrete, copper, oil based products and rare earths just to stand still on energy generation. Now apply that concept to supplying renewable energy to the developing nations, disaster.

    The only reasonable energy source long term is nuclear, initially fission and maybe in 30 years time fusion.

    To me the Green Movement is the group of people who behave like spoilt teenagers demanding everything now with no wish to understand the cost in money and resources. They seem to think that government funding is inexhaustible.

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