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Some common sense at last!

Green light given to Whitehaven coal mine.

The green fanatics will be out of their tiny minds.

  • We need to conserve all types of energy/fuels by what every means possible.  Insulation of houses and reduce housing build/materials costs is most necessary.

    But everything must be the most economical possible engineering solution.  Anyone can produce a green plan but the bottom line will win by public insistence.

    Public transport using minimum size vehicles no empty trains or buses.  Use less rail coaches or mini buses.  Same with cars micro is best option to save fuel.

    .Power stations should be mini nuclear for base load 30 GW and rest wind, solar, hydro or tidal whatever green alternative is available or coal/gas/oil as last option.

  • We need to conserve all types of energy/fuels by what every means possible.  Insulation of houses and reduce housing build/materials costs is most necessary.

    But everything must be the most economical possible engineering solution.  Anyone can produce a green plan but the bottom line will win by public insistence.

    Public transport using minimum size vehicles no empty trains or buses.  Use less rail coaches or mini buses.  Same with cars micro is best option to save fuel.

    .Power stations should be mini nuclear for base load 30 GW and rest wind, solar, hydro or tidal whatever green alternative is available or coal/gas/oil as last option.

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