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Some common sense at last!

Green light given to Whitehaven coal mine.

The green fanatics will be out of their tiny minds.

  • Does the government have any real interest in energy and resource saving other that the things that can generate money for them and their cronies? 

  • Political parties are funded by people who will want a favour in return. Landlords and owners of estates will prefer Conservative and poor none house owners will prefer Labour to help keep their rents low and improve public support .  Perhaps we need a hung parliament so Greens and Liberal human rights protectors can have a major influence.

    Communism although idealistic never works because in the end dictatorial cronyism takes over.  To stop climate change with ever increasing world population is not really feasible.  We must  just do our best to meet the challenges and save as much fuel as possible without wasting mineral resources. 

  • Political parties are funded by people who will want a favour in return. Landlords and owners of estates will prefer Conservative and poor none house owners will prefer Labour to help keep their rents low and improve public support .  Perhaps we need a hung parliament so Greens and Liberal human rights protectors can have a major influence.

    Communism although idealistic never works because in the end dictatorial cronyism takes over.  To stop climate change with ever increasing world population is not really feasible.  We must  just do our best to meet the challenges and save as much fuel as possible without wasting mineral resources. 

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