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Some common sense at last!

Green light given to Whitehaven coal mine.

The green fanatics will be out of their tiny minds.

  • Maybe the various wastrels who go around gluing themselves to things should be required to retrain as insulation system designers and installers so they can actually make a difference. They don’t seem to have anything else to do.

  • I would be most interested to hear the views of the likes of these people on recycling wind turbine blades. At present they are either going straight to landfill, or are being processed to make a combustible materiel to power cement factories -

  • I would be most interested to hear the views of the likes of these people on recycling wind turbine blades. At present they are either going straight to landfill, or are being processed to make a combustible materiel to power cement factories -

  • I doubt that the environmental extremists have any notion of climate change cause or causation. Or any independent view Just a point and squirt mindset corrupted by main stream media misinformation and the  corruption of the scientific method.