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Dissertation Research Survey - Identifying the need for reform on Electrical Arc Flash Protection in the United Kingdom

Good afternoon, 

You are invited to participate in an online questionnaire to assist with the gathering of data on industry professionals understanding of current Arc Flash Risk and Legislation in the United Kingdom. This is expected to take 10 – 15 minutes of your time and you’ll be asked to answer 14 questions. If required, further information is provided in the Participant Information sheet which you’ll find attached to this email.

 Please use the following link to access the Online Survey – please contact me if you experience any issues accessing the Survey.

 There is no obligation to take part and you’re free to leave the questionnaire at any time, however, it is believed that the data gathered from this survey will form a collective industry understanding of Arc Flash Events and provide the evidence for change in legislation & training.

 Please feel free to share this questionnaire with colleagues or friends within the engineering industry.

 Thank you!

 Principal Investigator: Joe Astley - LJMU undergraduate student

  • i have also filled this out, as some of the testing I do involves a high voltage lab. However you do not ask it directly, but I am not sure that legislation is the way to attack a problem of folk being hurt by arc related events, assuming there is a significant problem requiring an attack.

    We have commented on here before that a lot of the documentation about arc flash is very US- centric and assumes a prescriptive wiring regulation regime which in the UK we do not have - rather we tend to say you can do things in any way that is equivalently safe, requiring more design knowledge, and less copying by rote.  That requires the background logic, rather than just a conclusion, to be made available in a form that ensures folk can create safe designs.
    And the American data tends to be in none SI units that make comparison difficult and does not make use of things we would normally know or measure such as PSSC.
    A good first step might be to translate the existing advice into explanations and good practice worded to suit UK practice, as at the moment some folk are clearly overdressed and others are accidentally more risky than they need to be.

  • The questionnaire is a bit odd and very broad, I've seen dangerous events but not a proper arc fault banger, but I'm mostly domestic now and such a massive arc fault is unlikely. What's the true purpose of this questionnaire?

  • The questionnaire is a bit odd and very broad, I've seen dangerous events but not a proper arc fault banger, but I'm mostly domestic now and such a massive arc fault is unlikely. What's the true purpose of this questionnaire?

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