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Flexible futures

Interesting post from UR

Flexible Futures

  • thanks          for taking time to share your thoughts regarding employment, education and even state revenue around Automation and robotics.

    Some references that I thought were good on the future of education and macroeconomics were from Jeremy Rifkin.

    I found some good references regarding employment from Eric Brynjolfsson, His book "The second machine age" was particularly good.

    I still think the best apps for Robotics and Automation are the 3D's, those which are; dull, dark or dangerous.

    I think as Engineers we do have a responsibility to society to ensure what we create is of benefit.

    I found good guidance in the IET Strategy 2030 and the Engineers without borders.

    The question is ... Should we take an  engineering or Hipocractic oath?


  • Should we take a for of engineering or Hipocractic oath?

    Tricky for those working in some areas of defence where the end product is designed to cause destruction,  I think ;-)   Less flippantly, even though I do not do that, certainly for me some of that exampler would be unacceptable.

    'Engineering' is too broad a catch-all to be considered a single discipline, and the rules of the game are far from universal between different areas..


  • Should we take a for of engineering or Hipocractic oath?

    Tricky for those working in some areas of defence where the end product is designed to cause destruction,  I think ;-)   Less flippantly, even though I do not do that, certainly for me some of that exampler would be unacceptable.

    'Engineering' is too broad a catch-all to be considered a single discipline, and the rules of the game are far from universal between different areas..


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