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Any one interested in 30 years of Acoustic Emission (MFET) research and studies?

A full history of how and why MFET is a safety science for the future especially for all humans involved with all forms of machinery.

A very big world to explore that suffers from a science which does not 'chase the money' but looks at human safety.

  • Hi Chris, was there supposed to be an attachment to this discussion post? 

  • Hi Chris, was there supposed to be an attachment to this discussion post? 

  • Hello Lisa There was not a specific attachment for this discussion post.

    The technology (Acoustic Emission or my world Medium Frequency Energy Transfer, MFET) is a very serious route of engineering that I have worked on since 1995.

    Having given lectures to IET (Yeovilton), BINDT( Cardiff), Rutherford Labs(Oxford), IMeche (Swansea Uni),  NPL (Teddington), RAF , RR, SIDERNET, Qinetic, MIRCE Science, Bristol University Engineering department, Cardiff uni engineering, etc. etc I do not see any progress for the science since retirement, so time to give it a kick again following on from the 737 MAX instrumentation issues,,engineering's drive to the use of computers for control,  decay dependencies.and understanding of probabilities of failure modes.and routes.

    Interested parties to the science need a forum 'world' to harvest this knowledge and discuss a route forward. There are a lot of us with data to add.

    Kind regards Chris