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What welder would you recommend?

Back in the days of yore I was half handy with an arc welder but I'm aware that things have moved on a bit. I've a "need" (Mrs G's inverted commas) to repair/alter a few things so what would you suggest would be a good option for the following? A 2mm mower deck needs a patch, a 4mm tractor bucket likewise and a trailer needs fettling with 6mm angle. Budget is an issue!

  • I should perhaps add, I met my wife in an agricultural contractors workshop on a farm whilst I was helping to build a road going rowing machine built from the chassis of one of the Invacar “invalid” cars like the ones that used to be seen along the touch lines of football matches, Which Worcestershire Young Farmers then rowed to the AGM at Blackpool and I have been quietly getting away with things for years since then. Eyebrows have been raised about some of the training courses I have been on during the last year and qualifications gained.

  • I should perhaps add, I met my wife in an agricultural contractors workshop on a farm whilst I was helping to build a road going rowing machine built from the chassis of one of the Invacar “invalid” cars like the ones that used to be seen along the touch lines of football matches, Which Worcestershire Young Farmers then rowed to the AGM at Blackpool and I have been quietly getting away with things for years since then. Eyebrows have been raised about some of the training courses I have been on during the last year and qualifications gained.

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