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Dr Judith Curry Live

  • Why would I want to click on some random link to a video by someone I have never heard of, posted by someone who couldn't even bother to add a note to explain what the video is about?

  • Why would I want to click on some random link to a video by someone I have never heard of, posted by someone who couldn't even bother to add a note to explain what the video is about?

  • That's a fair enough comment.

    Dr Judith Curry talks a lot of practical sense on the climate debate which is often talked about on this IET forum. You being an avid iet follower may have come across her name before during our active debates over the past year or so 

    I've always found her worth listening to.

  • She appears to be a climate change denier / action on climate change is pointless

  • Very good article from Nature here, originally published in Scientific American (the title is somewhat misleading as to how thoughtful the article is): Lemonick , M. Climate heretic: Judith Curry turns on her colleagues. Nature (2010).

  • I'm sorry I thought this would have been of interest to IET people. I understand that you are polarised with your perceptions of the climate debate and that discrediting opposing views are your position.