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Dr Judith Curry Live

  • You have to be very careful when talking about misinformation and censorship. Who decides where the boundaries are?

    Dr Judith Curry is a respected climate scientist. Please look at her website to see if she is a ‘denier’ or someone who actually looks at the data and thinks about the problems.

    There are very significant differences between the views promoted by the likes of XR and Stop Oil and the data in the science sections of the IPCC ARs. Which one of these is misinformation?

    The various NASA GISS temperature curves show quite different things. The for example the southern hemisphere doesn’t have the sharp rise between 1980 and 2000. Is that misinformation?

    I have asked many times on here where is the IET’s input on the engineering problems of reducing the use of fossil fuels? Who is actually calculating the resource requirements and their impacts? There are a lot of words and very little engineering input.

  • Who decides where the boundaries are?

    That's why we should be referring to peer reviewed research in respected journals please, not blogs and personal opinion pieces. The scientific method is not based on one person's experience (however experienced and qualified), as human beings we are all susceptible to errors and bias. 

    Even then on an issue as complex as this we need to be aware that we're on risky ground of quoting out of context or otherwise misrepresenting the conclusions or evidence since we are not experts in the field. But at least it would be a start.

    where is the IET’s input on the engineering problems of reducing the use of fossil fuels?

    Links are here:

    Of course I am sure the IET will be pleased to accept further research based input on this topic.  what I can't find on EngX is how members with recognised expertise in these areas can volunteer to support (i.e. become members of) the IET committees / sub-groups that work on the issues of sustainable energy generation and usage?

  • Hi   the best place to start would be with our Energy Policy team  (via the IET's main website) Slight smile

    Also linking to a blog post from one of the Energy Panel volunteers Jeff Douglas - Renewables and net zero - are we ready steady go? for anyone who would like to feed into the work being done there. 

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