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Dr Judith Curry Live

  • As I’m sure we’re all aware, the subject of climate change can be a very polarising issue.

    We do not aim to censor discussion or debate but we do like to keep discussions on our forum on topic and relevant to members of our engineering community. We are of course the Institution of Engineering and Technology and should be discussing engineering!

    We’ve had a number of internal discussions at the IET and feedback from many EngX community members as well as members of the IET on this subject and from now on we will not be accepting any future discussion posts and/or replies that focus solely on whether or not climate change exists. Let’s discuss solutions and how we can, through engineering and technology, create a better world for us all.

    Andy has kindly already shared the link to the EngX Community rules and guidelines and I would ask everyone to again familiarise themselves with those.

    Also a quick reminder that you our EngX community can report to the admins any instances of inappropriate content or behaviour in the community that you feel does not comply with our rules and guidelines. Within the ‘more’ menu alongside any posts and replies in the forum you’ll find the option to ‘Flag to moderator’. This will send an alert to the admins for them to monitor that item. If many community members report the same item it is removed from the forum and will only be reinstated once the admin team have reviewed and, if it’s deemed to be appropriate content, approved it.

    If you have any questions or comments you’d like to put to the admin team, we can be contacted via email on

    I’ll now be locking this post.

  • As I’m sure we’re all aware, the subject of climate change can be a very polarising issue.

    We do not aim to censor discussion or debate but we do like to keep discussions on our forum on topic and relevant to members of our engineering community. We are of course the Institution of Engineering and Technology and should be discussing engineering!

    We’ve had a number of internal discussions at the IET and feedback from many EngX community members as well as members of the IET on this subject and from now on we will not be accepting any future discussion posts and/or replies that focus solely on whether or not climate change exists. Let’s discuss solutions and how we can, through engineering and technology, create a better world for us all.

    Andy has kindly already shared the link to the EngX Community rules and guidelines and I would ask everyone to again familiarise themselves with those.

    Also a quick reminder that you our EngX community can report to the admins any instances of inappropriate content or behaviour in the community that you feel does not comply with our rules and guidelines. Within the ‘more’ menu alongside any posts and replies in the forum you’ll find the option to ‘Flag to moderator’. This will send an alert to the admins for them to monitor that item. If many community members report the same item it is removed from the forum and will only be reinstated once the admin team have reviewed and, if it’s deemed to be appropriate content, approved it.

    If you have any questions or comments you’d like to put to the admin team, we can be contacted via email on

    I’ll now be locking this post.

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