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Guidance on safe design of non-safety critical systems

Here's a very good question I've just been asked. For those of us who work in safety critical electronic / programmable designs we have nice clear guidance / standards in the form of IEC 61508 and its derived standards on managing the safe design. But what guidance is there for designers of electronic / programmable systems whose core function is NOT safety related, so it would be over the top to apply 61508 etc, but they could still create some sort of hazard if they were not properly designed? So they should probably be applying a safety V lifecycle at least as a thought process, to make sure that they've thought about the standards that should be applied and any additional safety requirements that should be put in for any residual risks. But how do they know that?

So taking e.g. computer monitor design (just because that's what I'm looking at right now!), if you're designing a new type of monitor, is there a guidance document that takes you through the process of thinking "what hazards might there be? Electric shock, EMC, glare" (I'm making this up by the way so don't shoot me if the example's slightly wrong!) "Ok, we've got standards for the first two, but not for the third, what requirements should we set for that?" "Ok, the designs done, have we met those safety requirements?"

Does anyone know of any good guidance documents etc? Particularly for systems involving software.

    tagging you as I thought you might have some good ideas.

I can appreciate that point of view of the person who originally asked this question (they asked a friend who asked me), I spent the first 10 years of my career designing non-safety critical systems, and the next 30 working on safety critical systems, and there's lots of things I could now tell my 25 year old self!



  • @AndyMillar Have you looked at what the ISA group have done ( or perhaps Codes & Guidance ( I'm thinking aloud so apologies if you've already noted this, or indeed if I'm going off at a tangent ...

  • HI Andrew,

    Yes, however because we're talking about everyday products where an ISA wouldn't be appointed the ISA group don't really consider it. (It's the ironic thing that safety related products, where you need an ISA, are easy because they are so dangerous you have to follow a strict process!) I don't think there's anything in the guidance, I've also looked through  - we seem to cover safety critical systems reasonably well, and health and safety in the workplace well, but don't seem to touch on safe design of non-safety critical systems. Maybe my friend and their friend have spotted a gap in the market. 



  • Hi Andy

    The safe design of non-safety critical systems won't be one for the Policy & Insight group.  But what about the System Safety Technical Network?


  • I've just discovered from their committee list, that one of my colleagues, who I discussed this with today as it happens, is on it! I'll have to remind him he's on it and ask him if he knows...

  • I've just discovered from their committee list, that one of my colleagues, who I discussed this with today as it happens, is on it! I'll have to remind him he's on it and ask him if he knows...

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